The driest month in Savannah is November, with 2.40 inches of precipitation, and with 7.20 inches, August is the wettest month. It rains throughout the year in Savannah. The month with the most rainfall in Savannah is August, with an average rainfall of 5.3 inches. The highest average rainfall occurs in August.
In August, Savannah experiences the most rainfall of the whole year despite being the second hottest month. The average rainfall is 7 inches (167 mm), while high-temperature averages decrease by one degree. The low temperature averages are also down one degree compared to the previous month. Savannah summers are long, hot and hot, so air conditioning is a necessity for most visitors.
Daytime highs in the hottest months of the year (July and August) average 90 degrees, and nighttime lows tend to fall only to 70 degrees. The sultry atmosphere makes these temperatures even more stifling. Intense heat often causes thunderstorms to form, making summer the wettest time of the year. The total rainfall in August, the wettest month, averages between 7 and 8 inches.
When you visit Savannah during the summer, make plans for late afternoon or early evening showers. Fall, from mid-September to mid-November, is a great time to visit Savannah when there aren't many people and room rates are reasonable. With temperatures well into the 70s and 80s (and less overwhelming humidity than summer), spring is an ideal time to visit Savannah. The winter months of January and February are low season; right now, you'll see a drop in temperatures and a drop in room rates.
The month with the least amount of wet days in Savannah is November, with an average of 5.6 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation. This fascinating destination is located in east Georgia, along the Savannah River, not far from the South Carolina border. Winters in Savannah are mild, with high temperatures of around 60 degrees F and low temperatures of around 40 degrees F. The average hourly wind speed in Savannah experiences slight seasonal variation throughout the year.
Savannah is also close to the picturesque beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, which offer seaside attractions and activities in addition to the urban experience. The St. Patrick's Day parade, the Savannah Homes & garden tour, and the Savannah School of Art and Design Sidewalk Art Festival. According to this score, the best times of the year to visit Savannah for general outdoor tourist activities are from early April to late May and from late September to late October, with a maximum score in the first week of May.
The month of the year in Savannah with the coldest water is February, with an average temperature of 61°F. According to this score, the best times of the year to visit Savannah for activities in warm climates are from mid-May to early July and from mid-August to early October, with a maximum score in the second week of September. Housed in an iconic building on Broughton Street, in the heart of Savannah's historic district, The Marshall House is an elegant hotel that exudes the grace, charm and hospitality of a traditional Southern retreat.